
Clicking on a family in the drop down menu will bring you to a page listing the info for that family. Each family line includes direct ancestors as well as siblings and their children. You will find some people are missing from the charts as living people are not listed. (For instance if parents had 4 children and 3 are deceased those will be the only ones to appear, so it looks as if they only had 3 children, when in fact they really had 4, but the 4th one is still living.) I use the Family Tree Maker software program to input my data and have it synced with my tree on Ancestry.com. But Legacy Family Tree software had the ability to create these web pages, so I had to import the data from FTM into Legacy. Some things may not have transferred the way I would have liked. Plus I am sure there are typos in the notes too. I wanted to get this out there and haven’t had a chance to reread all of my notes yet. So if you find something that needs to be corrected, let me know via the Contact Page.